Unfortunately, I didn't have a fishing trip booked this weekend, so my son Grant, friend Mike Carroll & I decided to make a trip out to my family farm to get after a spring gobbler. Last week, Mike had set a blind in the farm and managed to shoot a 24 lb bird. This morning, we went straight to that same spot since it was seeing a lot of bird traffic. We got out & setup early, and like an alarm clock the birds started moving around right on time.
Within an hour we had a bunch of birds in the field, and they were responding like crazy to Mike's calls. A short time later 5 hens, 3 jakes & 1 big BOSS bird were making their way in front of the blind.
Since Grant was the youngest in the group, it was up to him to do the shooting while I did the video (sorry for the poor quality) & Mike did the calling.
Needless to say Grant was a little excited, and if you watch the last video, you will hear him announce the result of his shot.
I could tell that Grant was upset, but he took it well. I can tell you from experience that he is not the first (or the last) person to miss a big bird. On the bright side, he has MANY more spring seasons to get his share of big turkeys.
This weekend I am back on the water at last! We will be fishing on Friday and Saturday in the Reedville Fishing Derby, and I cant wait!
I still have a few weekend dates open this spring. Call and book your date now before someone beats you to it!