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Monday, March 24, 2014

Come on Spring!!!

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am over this winter!  Don't get me wrong, my family and I have had a great time playing in the snow this year, but enough is enough already.

A sight like this will be a welcome one this summer when it is +90 degrees and + 90% humidity, but right now what I see is a mean trick that Mother Nature keeps playing on us.

After having been stuck on land for the past two months during the coldest and snowiest winter that I can remember, I can honestly say that I am suffering from a severe case of cabin fever.  I can't help but look forward to getting out on the water in the next few weeks for the opening of Rockfish season.  During the past week I have heard of good numbers of large fish making their way up the bay en route to the spawning grounds of the upper Chesapeake, Potomac and Rappahannock.  Once they have spawned out, these fish will make their way back down the bay where we will target them until the Virginia season ends in June.  With this in mind, now Is prime time to book your weekend trips while I still have dates available.  During the next week, we will haul the Three Sons and do all of the maintenance for the upcoming spring season.  If the weather cooperates, we will be back in the water in time to do some prospecting trips and be tuned up for the season opener.