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Monday, September 23, 2013

Hello and welcome to the Southern Tide Guide Service blog.  Thank you for taking time out of your day to see what I am up to.
First of all, I would like to introduce myself.  My name is Joseph Biddlecomb, owner of Southern Tide Guide Service and Captain of the vessel Three Sons.  I was born and raised in the town of Reedville, Va a small fishing village located on the end of Virginia's Northern Neck.  Like many people who grew up in this area thirty plus years ago, my family was composed mostly of  commercial watermen. Being the son of a Waterman, I was exposed to the Chesapeake Bay and learned to love everything about it at a very early age.  I truly couldn't think of a better place to grow up, and I am so glad that my three sons have the opportunity to grow up in the same area.
As soon as I was old enough to have my own boat, I spent as much time on the water as I possibly could.  Every summer was spent pound netting, crab potting, gill netting, purse netting, water skiing, sport fishing and my weekends during the winter months were spent oystering and waterfowl hunting.
In the early 1980's my father made the decision to stop his pound netting operation and convert our family's deck boat Dudley into a charter boat. Fortunately, Captain Fred Biddlecomb and his vessel the Dudley have been fixtures in the Northern Neck's Charter Fleet for the past thirty years. It was working with my dad over the past 30 years that I have gained the majority of my sport fishing experience.
After much deliberation, examination and the realization that I am not getting any younger, I decided to strike out on my own, make an investment and start Southern Tide Guide Service.  In the upcoming posts I will tell you more about the boat that I recently purchased, the adventure of transporting it down the coast, a lot of pictures and then some fishing stories.
I hope you like the beginning of this story, and that it will be a blog that you will enjoy following in the future.

Please return often.
